Thursday 7 June 2012

Point of no Return

In the midst of this week’s discussion of a values oriented approach to climate change, on the front page of the news paper today (ok, it was actually the front cover of the B section- Vancouver Sun) I found this title jumping up at me: Earth near point of no return, scientists warn: Effects of civilization on planet threaten collapse of ecosystems in 50 years- with no going back.  Inspiring stuff!!  This may very well be our reality, but if the intention of this article is to bring about change (It is the Vancouver Sun, so I doubt this was their goal), I imagine the words read as relative white noise on the backdrop of what appears on the actual front page (immanent economic and ecological collapse).  After some initial intrigue and a brief hope that Bridget Fonda would reprise her 1993 role as Maggie Hayward, I fell into a haze of statistics and doomsday predictions. 

1 comment:

  1. this article sounds suspiciously like the one from "nature" that rick posted on moodle ("approaching a state-shift in earth's biosphere"), although that article was mainly about state-shift theory and the need for better tracking methods and science in general.

    but the high-impact headline has the same ring. similarly, i suppose neither had much to do with values??
